Last year with a friend we had 1 day riding out of town near Surabaya my home town.
We started at 6.00 in the morning riding my Honda Motorcycle. We so much enjoyed this riding in the morning,still air fresh and not not much crowded on street but don't ask after that much air pollution hehehe....but we enjoyed anyway , even when in Porong we had traffic jam and i think you know why, yes that's right "mud flood" . Cause of this mud flood many village drown and many people lost their much pity and until now they still waiting for fund to buy new house and cause of mud flood also made street traffic jam around this area.
But we didn't lose our spirit cause of this traffic jam. We kept going..riding..riding and riding...and about 8.00 am we arrived in Lawang and we liitle forget the way to get to Tea Plantation a main place to visit that we planned before. So we stooped by at a shop to asked the direction and also to bought some snacks and drinks we will spent at Tea Plantation.
Finally we found that place. It's a beautiful place with many tea trees and at this place also we found children play ground,guesthouses,restaurant,an area for outbound activities and a tea factory with it's products that sell to visitors.
We spent much time here explored this place. we were riding through tea plantation area with stoney road adventure riding..hehehe...
Tired of riding and explored this place then we took some rest , had sat on comfy place while we ate our snacks and drank our drinks and also had some chit chat but finally you know what? we fallen sleep come? Too much tired I think. We enjoyed our sleep and had a nice dream I think. We didn't care if people would watch us.
After had some comfy rest then at 15.00 we left this place to went back home. On the way we still stopped over to some places. We went to food shop and bought food and drink for our lunch( we forgot that we still not had lunch ) and then visited to Purwodadi Botanical Garden , this place was almost closed when we got there so we only had 30 minutes to explored this place. 30 minutes with this big area to explored?? Imposible..!!!! so for killing time we just sat down at good spot and took some pictures and left this place around 16.30 ut still we stopped by at KFC restaurant at Taman Dayu . Actually we didn't hungry but we saw this restaurant area is beautiful with many lights and the dawn background.
Too bad we didn't take picture here cause suddenlly rain came :( we went inside KFC restaurant waiting rain stop and just bought drink.
After not long time waited , rain was still pouring but not hard so we decided to continue our riding back home.
With a little bit tired but still had 1 more hour riding to get home finally we reached our hostel with much tired but enjoyed. After showered we went sleep in our own room...zzzzzzzz
It was a tired day but we enjoyed so much and had so much fun.
Now my best friend moved to her hometown to work thereand back to her family. This moment I never forget and also many moments with her. We enjoyed time together as best friend and we still keep in touch anyway even we are far now.
Good luck friend at your place now..and never forget about our time we shared together....
We always be best friend forever.....
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